Page 1 - Reviews - Healthy Origins, 7·Keto, 100 mg, 7 Veggie Caps - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Mar 25, 2012
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My husband and I are extreme fitness junkies.Advanced weightlifters and body sculpters.My spouse has suffered for years with fatigue and other issues.He finally was diagnosed with Low T and Thyroid Dysfunction(no thyroid level at all nor Testerone9life threatening low) He was put on Androgel and Synthroid.Still fatigue has plagued him.He entered a fitness competition and I was looking again for more supplements to give him as I am his nutritionist.Came across these.All I can say is AMAZING.For the first time his cloudy mental fatigue is lifted.He felt amazing after only on these a few days.He, for first time I have EVER known him to,is waking up clear minded instead of still tired after good nite sleep.He has taken so many things with promise of relief of symptoms, including his Synthroid tabs, to find no relief at all.These are amazing.I have researched them from a nuttional and medical standpoint for us and will pass this along to those who might find it helpful.The dosage for weightloss is recommeded 200 mg per day taken 100 mg morning/ 100mg evening.Also note that 12 weeks is also recommended course of time for fatloss/weightloss.After 12 weeks,the dosage of 100mg per daily for maintanence dosage is recommended(however these are completely safe to take long term at higher dosage if needed).Also notable, is this pill also improves immune system,muscle mass and leaner mass (good info for fitness nuts) also improves mental clarity and focus,and fatigue.I HIGHLY recommend this supplement and I will be sticking with this particular brand.It seems to be good in purity and strenghth.Just rememeber there is no miracle pill for weight and fat loss, but these taken during a nutritional and fitness plan of action can gain additional results beyond doing so with no supplement.Typical results in taking these for weightloss are in a 12 week plan followed wisely can produce an addtional 8-11 lbs more than those not taking it will lose alone.