Page 1 - Reviews - Source Naturals, Dr. Patrick Flanagan's, Hydrogen Boost, 500 mg, 60 Capsules - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Aug 8, 2012
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Hydrogen is the smallest element in the Universe. Hydrogen means "Water Former" in the Greek. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi who won the Nobel Prize for discovering vitamin C said that Hydrogen was the "Fuel of Life" and Nothing could Move in the body without Hydrogen Electrons. Electron means "Traveling" in the Greek so that makes sense. You must consume Hydrogen on a daily basis or you will De-Hydrate and shrivel up like a Grape becoming a raison as the ILLUSION of time goes by. We do not have to age with time. Hydrogen Boost contains more Hydrogen Electrons or the "Fuel of Life" than anything on the planet. This is scientifically proven with a Hydrogen Proton Electron meter. One capsule will Dramatically restructure water from Dead to Alive even better than medical pieces of equipment costing thousands of dollars. Just ONE capsule will restructure water from acid to alkaline which opens the door to use stored fat for energy. More importantly the ORP or Oxidation Reduction Potential, which is another way to say "Anti-Oxidant Power", will go from positive 650 millivolts to a Negative 600 millivolts! This is Incredible! You would have to drink hundreds of gallons of Fresh Organic Orange Juice to get that much energy! Our physical bodies run on electricity or electrons or 'anti-oxidants'. Hydrogen Boost is Truly the Most Powerful Anti-Oxidant because Dr. Patrick Flanagan attached the smallest element with an electron attached to a piece of silica that is only 5 nanometers in diameter! This creates Zeta Potential or Life Force in the cells. Dr. Alexis Carrel kept a chicken heart alive and growing new tissue for over 30 years. He said the pulse of life could go on forever if only the cells could float in fluids of proper parameters. Those parameters were Slightly alkaline, low surface tension and negatively charged. This is Exactly what Hydrogen Boost does. Hydrogen Boost is The Fountain of Youth in a Bottle be