Page 3 - Reviews - Zint, Organic Yacon Syrup, Prebiotic Sweetener, 8 fl oz (236 ml) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jun 10, 2023
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.in the Andes mountains, made sweet love, & and out popped the glorious blessing that is yacon syrup. This is my first taste of yacon syrup so I have no frame of reference, but to me, this syrup is very, very yummy. It’s not quite as sweet as sugar or my alternatives (raw stevia, raw agave syrup, coconut palm sugar, raw local honey, molasses, and the occasional turbinado), but the flavor itself makes up for the slight dip in sweetness. I’m in the process of slowly removing processed white sugar from my diet so I’m gathering every alternative sweetener I can find that wasn’t made exclusively in a laboratory. (Picture Doc from Back to the Future in a sterile white room full of beakers, tubes, etc. yuck!) Along with using various nut & plant milks, I’m finding that cutting white sugar out of my beverages (my *nutrient rich* diet is almost exclusively liquid for personal, physical comfort) is much easier than I thought it would be now that I have several alternative sweeteners available. Mixing and matching sweeteners and "milks" based on the beverage I’m preparing has made it easier & actually more interesting. (Side note: I am the type of person who loves experimenting and discovery.) I’ve found, for instance, that I much prefer chai tea with a touch of molasses (the timeless staple, Grandma’s brand) and a bit of extra creamy oat milk (Planet Oat brand). I was having my morning coffee with (Silk) Almond & Cashew milk w/ pea protein, 1tsp agave syrup (in-the-raw) & 1/2tsp raw organic coconut palm sugar. So tasty... and so much healthier than my old faithful 3tsp white sugar & 4Tbsp dairy half n half! Then little yacon came along. I’ve only used it three times now, but in just those three tries I’ve found my perfect combination is still the protein almond cashew milk, but with 1tsp yacon syrup, 1/2tsp agave syrup, and 1/2 tsp coconut palm sugar. Man this stuff is good & I love that yacon syrup contains a relatively substantial amount of fiber!!!